June 17, 2021 12:40 pm
By Smart Dots Editor
“The government has placed solid waste management increasingly high on the national agenda,” said Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment of the Republic of Indonesia. “Universal solid waste collection is part of the current national mid-term development plan targets, and is becoming even more important with the growing number of Indonesia’s urban population.” (Source: World Bank News Release – Dec 5, 2019). Indonesia like many developing countries is facing major challenges on how it handles the collection and disposal of waste.
It is estimated by 2025, Indonesian cities and municipalities will be generating about 150,000 tonnes of waste daily (Source: World Bank News Release – Dec 5, 2019). Uncollected waste in a timely manner is a source of pollution and health. How can Indonesia more effectively manage this increasing challenge related to waste?
Smart Waste solution brings a proactive approach, looking it as a chance to improve the quality of urban life rather than as an expenditure item. To improve municipal solid waste collection, PT DOTS is partnering with Minebea Mitsumi’s Smart Urban Network to provide a ready-to-use Smart Waste application for cities and utility management. The level of filling, date and time of most recent waste collection can be monitored by equipping the waste bins with Paradox Engineering – MinebeaMitsumi 6LoWPAN sensors.
The Smart CMS (Central Monitoring Station) receives the information from sensors and predicts when the bins will need to be emptied. The Smart CMS will also monitor other essential information such as locations, weather information, types of container, their locations,truck route planning, bin being damaged or stolen, etc. When the bins are close to full, trucks can be dispatched.

The Mineabea Mitsumi Smart Waste Solution will greatly ensure that waste is collected in a timely manner which reduces the impact on pollution in our cities and the health of our people.
For more information please contact PT DOTS – the Mineabea Mitsumi partner for Smart Solutions