Introducing Real-Time Situational Awareness Solution “SKYLIGHT” to Indonesia

March 28, 2024 1:29 pm

PT DOTS is excited to bring “SKYLIGHT” to the Indonesian market. The SKYLIGHT solution developed by our partner Alkira Consulting primarily as a capability for Operations teams to MONITOR and RESPOND to critical situations in real-time. This solution has already been tried and tested and ready for launch in Indonesia.

Potential clients who will realize the benefit of SKYLIGHT are:

The challenge clients such as Major Event-, Smart City-, and Venue Operators face is “how can we get the information needed to understand what is happening now?” Not what happened yesterday, or even an hour ago, but what is happening right now. If we know what is happening across our operation in real-time, we can immediately take action to fix anomalies that are impacting customer experience, safety or the seamless delivery of services. This level of situational awareness provides reputation protection by allowing us to know what is happening before it becomes public knowledge.  This is where SKYLIGHT brings immense value by aggregating and processing data from multiple sources, while visualizing in real-time using SKYLIGHT dashboards.

The primary offerings we are bringing to Indonesia will focus on Crowd Analytics and Vehicle Analytics which are measured and analyzed in real-time.  Below are the type of metrics that can be delivered:

Crowd Analytics

Vehicle Analytics

The value proposition SKYLIGHT offers includes:

We will be glad to discuss how we can assist you to realize savings while also improving customer experience, safety and the seamless delivery of services at your venue.  Contact us by emailing [email protected]

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