Shell uses iDrillSIM to train personnel virtually during the pandemic and beyond

November 17, 2020 3:58 am

“Shell International operates five state-of-the-art well learning centres globally where they develop engineers to the most advanced levels in drilling and well control.

“Refresher training takes place for all drilling personnel every four years but during the Covid-19 pandemic we have faced the difficult challenge of how to train our people to the highest standards when they are unable to travel to our centres of learning.  Using the iDrillSIM technology, Shell has created virtual learning events in the cloud, which can be accessed by several Shell personnel at once via tablet, laptop or desktop computer from anywhere in the world.  iDrillSIM is the technology of Drilling Systems. 

It is good to see that the iDrillSIM technology has extended beyond the Universities and Training Centers, and Major Oil Companies are now using this to train their personnel.  PT DOTS is working with Drilling Systems to make this solution available to Universities and Training Centers in Indonesia.  Contact us for more information

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